Timbo: Attached is our #CashAppGoogleFudraiser!!! This year we will be raising money to help with PTO funds in a little different way!! Since we were not able to have our fall fest, this is something we thought would be great for all. Please read the information carefully, as you can now purchase tickets digitally using our schools cash tag, $TimboSchools and by filling out a google form! Link provided - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeIbb3cCM8_x5p6aVHh_dIwzIw_3Dt5drl1PwOTrN2hGKW8VQ/viewform
about 4 years ago, Randy Roth
Timbo Basketball: The stream for tonight’s game will be on Facebook. As we understand at this point, you’ll need to add “ICC ball fan” as a friend. Assuming they accept your friend request before the stream starts tonight, you should have access to watch the games. If we get updated info on the streaming situation, we’ll pass it along ASAP.
about 4 years ago, Dusty Mitchell
Timbo: November Events
about 4 years ago, Dusty Mitchell
November Events
Timbo: Here is the new Attendance policy for Distance/Virtual Students for the 2nd 9 weeks and moving forward. Please note that the priority is getting work completed (with honest effort) on time. If work is not getting completed appropriately then other portions of this policy will be enforced.
about 4 years ago, Dusty Mitchell
Distance/Virtual Student Attendance Policy
Timbo: We have a busy month ahead for November. Please keep a close eye on the Timbo live feed messages. Here are a few items for this week: 1. 11/3- Ballgames at ICC. You may buy tickets at the door. 2. 11/4- report cards go home with onsite students and will be emailed to distance learners 3. Thursday 11/5 will be a blended learning day (students may stay home and complete their work on google classroom.) 4. 11/5 will also be parent-teacher conferences. You may contact teachers by phone. If you would like to schedule an in-person conference, call the school to make an appointment. Appointments will be set for 3:30-7:30pm on 11/5 5. No school Friday 11/6. We do have a ballgame and homecoming Friday night. Homecoming events will be 5-5:30, games start at 5:30. More to come on ticket info for Friday night.
about 4 years ago, Dusty Mitchell
Timbo: Homecoming Spirit Week Starts Monday!!! Dress up days are as followed -
about 4 years ago, Randy Roth
Timbo 🏀: Tonight JG, SG, SB at Western Grove. Games start at 5pm. Stream the games online at https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCRfLfMKET5eAHAkdnaRVdVw
about 4 years ago, Dusty Mitchell
Timbo 🏀: Use the following link to purchase tickets for tomorrow night’s games at Western Grove. 1 ticket is good for all three games. Tickets are limited. http://OMSD.ticketleap.com Use the password OMSDvisitor@
about 4 years ago, Dusty Mitchell
Timbo Basketball: The stream of tonight’s game at Norfork appears to be restricted to a private Facebook group. If we get permission to access it we’ll pass the info along.
about 4 years ago, Dusty Mitchell
Timbo Basketball: JB, SG, SB, starting at 5pm @ Norfork. Players have been given their requested tickets- If you don’t have a ticket reserved through a player and you need a ticket for tonight’s game call the THS office. We have some extra tickets as of right now.
about 4 years ago, Dusty Mitchell
TIMBO: Red Ribbon Activities this week - October 26-30, 2020. We will have dress-up days on three days: Tuesday, October 27 - "Slam Dunk-Drugs are Junk" Dress in Black/Gold (Elementary and High school) Wednesday, October 28 - "Stay Hidden-Be Invisible from Drugs" Dress in Camo (Elementary and High School) Thursday, October 29 - "Scare Away Drugs" Elementary ONLY - Dress in Halloween Costume - dress appropriately. Masks are still required. High School Only - "Voting for My Future To Be Drug Free" Dress in Red, White, and Blue!!!!
about 4 years ago, Randy Roth
Timbo Basketball: Tuesday 10/27 at Norfork. JB,SG,SB starting at 5pm. Players are getting tickets today for family and friends. If you will not be getting a ticket from a player and you would like to attend the game, contact the office at 746-4303. We have been told that Norfork will be streaming the game on their Facebook page.
about 4 years ago, Dusty Mitchell
Timbo: You still haven’t joined our FotoFan Family?! What are you waiting for? $25 for a FotoFan for you, someone else, or sponsor a student! All proceeds go to Timbo Athletics!
about 4 years ago, Dusty Mitchell
Timbo FotoFan Family!
Timbo Basketball: Tonight- JG, SG, SB Starting at 5pm Watch the game on Youtube at the following link provided by South Side Bee Branch: https://youtube.com/channel/UCHup6LraH1bSookzxRsloDg
about 4 years ago, Dusty Mitchell
Timbo Basketball: Here is the link for the games tonight at Omaha. It’s posted as Omaha vs Norfork but it’s actually our game live tonight. Go Tigers! https://youtu.be/N-7RVVUhrNI
about 4 years ago, Dusty Mitchell
Timbo Picture Update: All pictures will be taken in the big gym this morning rather than the multipurpose room.
about 4 years ago, Dusty Mitchell
Timbo Basketball: Thursday 10/22: Tigers at Omaha Eagles. Sr. Girls and Boys. Tip off at 5:30pm. Tickets available on the Omaha High School Website: https://www.omaha.school/ticket_box_office Tickets available by game, service fees may apply. To watch the games on the internet check the Omaha Eagles Booster Club Facebook page. They may be streaming the game live via facebook or youtube.
about 4 years ago, Dusty Mitchell
Timbo: Reminder- Make Up/Basketball Picture Day Tomorrow 8-9am: Distance Learning Student Pictures in the Multipurpose Room 9am-: Make up Pictures for onsite students and Basketball/Dance Team and individual pictures.
about 4 years ago, Dusty Mitchell
Timbo Basketball tonight at Deer: Jr. Girls, Sr. Girls, and Sr. Boys tonight at Deer High School. Games start at 5pm. Here is the link to purchase tickets: http://deerantlers.ticketleap.com/ Be sure to click on "visitors" for the individual games you wish to buy tickets for. Tickets are limited. To watch tonight's games on YouTube use the following link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv9pEGKPCf_iEV8Dw7F_qhQ This link was pulled from the Deer High School website. Please note that many schools (inculding Timbo) are still working out all the technological details related to streaming the games. Please be patient as we get the tech working. Most hosting schools will be streaming games this year. Thursday: Sr. Girls and Boys at Omaha 5:30pm Friday: JG, SG, SB at South Side Bee Branch 5:00pm Details on tickets and links for streaming for late week games coming tomorrow. - GO TIGERS!
about 4 years ago, Dusty Mitchell
Timbo: Here is the link to purchase tickets to the ballgames tomorrow night at Deer. Be sure to click on the visitors section for each game you wish to attend. Tickets are limited. The password for all games is Timbo. http://deerantlers.ticketleap.com/
about 4 years ago, Dusty Mitchell