Timbo: Parents of students entering kindergarten for the 2023-2024 school year
Timbo High School: Mr Berg’s art students enjoyed a day at the Arkansas Craft School learning about blacksmithing and pottery.
Congratulations to our senior Governors Luncheon Scholars for valedictorian and salutatorian--Emma Roubique and Gage Massey. We appreciate all of their hard work and dedication to Timbo school.
Timbo Elementary Parents:
Students who completed the ACT Aspire test in every subject area without any absences will have an incentive day tomorrow, April 28. Thank you to all the parents for your support and we thank all the students who worked so hard on these assessments. We appreciate each and every one of you.
Junior Barham
Timbo Parents:
Reminder: Pre-K and kindergarten registration will be held Friday, April 28, 2023 from 8:30 a.m.-2:45 p.m. Pre-K registration will be held in the Pre-K building, and kindergarten registration will be held in the high school building in Room 3.
TIMBO: Our Daddy/Daughter Dance will take place on Friday, May 5th. It will be held in the Multi-Purpose Room from 5-7pm. Also, following that dance will be the Spring Fling Dance for 7th-10th grade from 7-9pm. These events will be hosted by the 11th grade class and Timbo PTO!!! These are formal events. There will be a small admission fee of $5 per couple. Snacks and drinks will be provided. If there are any questions or concerns, please call the office at 8707464303.
Timbo Elementary School: ACT Aspire testing will begin next week (April 24-27). We will be testing Monday-Thursday. Friday will be make-up testing and an incentive day for those who put forth their best effort during testing. Please help us by ensuring that students are well rested, present, and on time each day for testing. It is time for our students to show the world how smart they are!!! We know you will all do well!! Thank you!!
Timbo Elementary
Timbo School:
Sr. High track meet scheduled for Thursday, April 20th has been moved to tomorrow April 19th due rain forecast for Thursday. We will leave the school at 1pm. Events will begin at 3:30pm
Thank you
Timbo High School Parents:
Students in grades 9-12 may apply for an ACT Prep class that will be offered at MVHS this summer. Classes will run June 5-30. Time are 8:00-11:00 and 1:00-3:00.
Students need to apply and can see Ms. Ridling by April 28th for applications.
Students in upper grades will have preference, but all should apply if they are interested.
Thank you,
Junior Barham
Timbo: All parents/guardians of Timbo students -
Please take the time to fill out our family survey for the Save The Children Program. It will be greatly appreciated and benefit the students so much! Thank you!
STC Coordinator - Jill Brewer
Timbo High School: ACT Aspire testing will begin next week (April 17-21). We will be testing Monday-Thursday. Friday will be make-up testing and an incentive day for those who put forth their best effort during testing. Please help us by ensuring that students are well rested, present, and on time each day for testing. It is time for our students to show the world how smart they are!!! We know you will all do well!! Thank you!
Next week we will begin Elementary testing. An update will be posted soon.
#DoYourBest #Tigers
Timbo: Reminder!!
Tomorrow (4/14) will be Spring Picture Day!!
#DressForSpring #TimboTigers
Timbo FBLA enjoyed the 2023 State Leadership Conference. Timbo FBLA President Jeremiah had the opportunity to accept the 4th Largest Chapter Membership-Marketshare in the State of Arkansas for Timbo’s FBLA Chapter. Pictured below are the students who competed in the state-level contest.
Timbo: April is the month of KRISPY KREME DOUGHNUTS!!!!!!!
For the 5th year in a row we will be raising money for our Accelerated Reader students who have excelled throughout the school year. All money raised goes towards their end of the year TOP SECRET SURPRISE!!! All orders placed help our student's so much!!!
Don't like doughnuts? Monetary donations are excepted too!!!! Remember this year we have included K-6!!! So we need you to sell sell sell 🙂
We have the month of April to see who can sell the most. Please help us give your child an amazing experience!!!!
Thank you!!!
Timbo Schools
--Order Forms will be coming home today!!
--Any questions or concerns please email Mr. Randy @ rroth@mvschools.net
Timbo: https://fundraising.littlecaesars.com/login/join-fundraiser/f6d3cfed-9153-45b1-bfa6-bfde98a2895c
Last chance to help out our kiddos!!! :)
Timbo: due to the severe weather, we will be dismissing school at 2:45 PM. All students are safe. Please be prepared that buses will be running a few minutes early.
Timbo Booster Club will be hosting a Trivia Night Fundraiser on Thursday March 30 at 6 pm in the Multipurpose Room. Concessions will be available. $100 per team with teams up to 10 people. All funds raised will benefit Timbo Athletes!
Thank you
Parent teacher conferences will be held Tuesday, March 28th, from 3:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. for elementary and high school. We invite you to come and visit with your child's teachers and pick up their report cards. Thank you.
ACT Aspire testing will be in April. High School will test April 17-21. Elementary will test April 24-28. We will be working very hard the next few weeks to prepare. Please try to avoid any absences if possible.
Music rooot students received this information today. Please sign up for the remind notifications. We look forward to hearing them play in April.